Logo Eden Rock Uruguay

Invest in
Eden Rock Uruguay

A secure and sustainable life

Living in harmony
with nature

Choose your life in a natural context

Between forest
& sea

A place to live meters from the sea

Welcome to Eden Rock
Forest & Sea

A coastal paradise in Uruguay for those looking to build the house of their dreams.


A natural setting, 10 km before José Ignacio

Eden Rock is an ideal development to build your home for living or vacationing, just a few meters from the sea and nestled within the forest.
Around 200 unscribed lots ensure a green and peaceful environment for many years to come.


An opportunity

Eden Rock es un loteo ideal para construir tu casa para vivir o de vacaciones, a pocos metros del mar y dentro del bosque.


The ideal place to build your life

77 maritime lots of 750m2 each

Large lots by the sea

Mapa de lotes

Direct access to National Route N10

A privileged location

Access to untouched beaches and open sea

A natural oasis

Area of great potential and constant growth

Invest in a promising future

Ready for immediate development and construction

Ready for enjoying


Up to 40 installments

Sustainable Development

Living in a nature reserve, in harmony with nature.


The ideal place to build your life

77 maritime lots of 750m2 each

Large lots by the sea

Mapa de lotes

Direct access to National Route N10

A privileged location

Access to untouched beaches and open sea

A natural oasis

Area of great potential and constant growth

Invest in a promising future

Ready for immediate development and construction

Ready for enjoying


Up to 40 installments

Sustainable Development

Viviendo en una reserva natural, en armonia con la naturaleza.

Available lots

Lotes disponibles

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Mapa de Lotes
Propuesta comerecial

Commercial Proposal

Preserva el valor de tus dólares y hacelos crecer, con la seguridad jurídica y financiera de Uruguay.

Lots from

USD 28,000

Eden Rock es un pedacito de paraíso

on the Uruguayan coast,
only 9 km before Jose Ignacio, and 22 km away from Punta del Este City
a Jose Ignacio (9km)



El aeropuerto internacional de Laguna del Sauce se encuentra a solo 40 km por las rutas nacionales 10 o 12.

Limita al oeste con el balneario San Vicente y al este con el balneario Santa Mónica.

Todos los terrenos están a menos de 7 min de la playa, tanto en bosque nativo como en terrenos de pradera suavemente ondulada

A 10 km equidistante de de José Ignacio y La Barra, dos pueblos maritimos exclusivos y en constante desarrollo.




    Rica en flora, fauna, praderas naturales, ríos, montañas, bosques nativos océanos y playas. Cuatro estaciones de aire fresco